
导读 大家好,我是小百,我来为大家解答以上问题。黄大仙灵签,hdx很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、.hqx Macintosh中使用BinHex将...


1、.hqx Macintosh中使用BinHex将二进制文件编码为7位的文本文件,大多数Macintosh文件皆以.hqx出现(.bin极少使用),在Macintosh中,可使用StuffIt Expander对.hqx解码,在Windows中可使用BinHex 13解码,你去下个BinHex 13试试看吧。

2、 =================================== 打开.hqx文件的软件 Mac OS平台 StuffIt Deluxe 2010 Dare to be Creative iArchiver Windows平台 Corel WinZip ZipZag ESTsoft ALZip(强烈推荐,该软件极小。

3、) StuffIt Deluxe 2010 =================================== 英文版资料 .hqx 文件类型:BinHex 4.0 Encoded File 扩展名为.hqx的文件是一个编码文件。

4、 文件说明: Binary to Hexadecimal text file created for Mac computers; contains data that has been compressed and encoded from an 8-bit binary format into a 7-bit text format; can be useful for transferring binary images, documents, and multimedia as text in email attachments. HQX files help to maintain file integrity for Internet downloads, email attachments, and other file transfers since they combine the data fork and resource fork from the Mac HFS structure into a single archive. BinHex 4.0 files take up more disk space than their original binary file; they always begin with the line (This file must be converted with Binhex 4.0)..hqx。
