
导读 大家好,我是小百,我来为大家解答以上问题。摘要翻译成英语,摘要翻译很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Abstract2、As the s...




2、As the situation of population aging in China aggravates, the demand for long-term care among the elderly shows an accelerated growth trend. However, since families in China are becoming smaller, and more family members are being employed, traditional free care provided by families is becoming inadequate. The issue of elderly care faces a challenge. A system of long-term care should be established to alleviate the burden of care demanders and their families. In this paper, we analyzed from the factors stated above the necessity of setting up long-term care insurance in China. In the light of such insurance systems in other countries, we summarized factors restricting the development of such insurance in China. Based on those restrictive factors, we proposed countermeasures for China to develop long-term care insurance.

3、Keywords: population aging; long-term care insurance; restrictive factors; countermeasure

