
导读 大家好,我是小百,我来为大家解答以上问题。英语作文常用短语和句型,英语作文常用短语很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Women...


1、Women and Children妇女儿童  legal system法制  enact制定, 颁布  minor未成年人  self recognition对自我价值的认识  only child独生子女  self-centered以自我为中心的  The Elderly and the Family老人和家庭  life expectancy预期寿命  to become common practice蔚然成风  well-being幸福, 福利  respecting the old and loving the young尊老爱幼  Population and Family Planning人口与计划生育  incentive鼓励。

2、 刺激  curb限制, 抑制  consumption消费  institute设立, 制定  penalty惩罚  census人口普查  population density人口密度  densely/sparsely populated人口稠密/稀少  aging of population人口老化  family planning计划生育  to practice family planning实行计划生育  to curb population growth控制人口增长  to have fewer and but healthier children少生优生  baby boom生育高峰  Environment Protection环境保护  ecological生态的  prerequisite/precondition先决条件  sustain维持  exploit/develop开发。

3、 利用  perspective观点, 看法  extinction(生物)灭绝  deteriorate恶化  urbanization都市化  vegetation coverage植物覆盖  marine life海洋生物  discharge排放  to protect rare animals and plants保护珍稀动物和植物  wild animal/wild life野生动物  renewable/non-renewable resources可更新/不可更新资源  ecological balance生态平衡  natural reserve自然保护区  ecosystem生态系统  environmental pollution环境污染  integrated control of environmental pollution环境污染综合防治  afforestation植树造林  shelterbelt防护林带  soil erosion水土流失  desertification沙化  acid rain酸雨  Foreign Policies对外政策  cornerstone基石  reiterate重申  observe/abide by遵守  in compliance with遵照  open vast vistas开辟广阔的前景  confrontation对抗  to seek common grounds while reserving differences求同存异  friendly exchanges友好往来  NATO北约  UNESCO联合国教科文组织  UN联合国  OPEC世界石油输出国组织  APEC亚太经合组织  WTO世界贸易组织  IMF国际货币基金组织。
