黄昏英文版歌词 翻译(黄昏英文版歌词)

导读 大家好,我是小百,我来为大家解答以上问题。黄昏英文版歌词 翻译,黄昏英文版歌词很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、BetrayalM...

大家好,我是小百,我来为大家解答以上问题。黄昏英文版歌词 翻译,黄昏英文版歌词很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、Betrayal My love has gone away quietly after a hundered days This is what’s she has always said she won’t stay for more than what she can repay I can still hear her say there that I’m not hearing tender play The day she let me kiss her was a display of love to those who she betray How can I put someone to the test,when I thought I got the best Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret but still that I won’t detest the love I can’t forget like someone who has left How can I leave someone for the rest,when I’m alone facing the best Untill the taste of treachery then I regret. but still that I won’t detest who I can never forget like someone I once met维持百日之后 我的爱悄然离去 她常说她不会留恋 长于她能回报的时间 言犹在耳 却已非昔日绵言细语 她和我耳鬓厮磨原来是一出戏 而观众就是已遭她背叛遗弃的人 当我已误认拥有最佳。

2、我岂会再考验别人 直至我备尝苦果才悔不当初 然而我不怀恨那难以忘怀的爱 当我独自面对佳人 我如何能够犹如他人一样离开 直至我备受欺诈才悔不当初 然而我不怀恨那难以忘怀的爱 那个与我曾经不期而遇的爱。
